P2P Transfer from End User to Company User


POST /api/v1/IndividualPayment/source-individualId/{sourceIndividualId}/beneficiary-merchantId/{beneficiaryMerchantId}/p2p-money-transfer

Please provide a valid sourceIndividualId and beneficiaryMerchantId


  "sourceCustomerAccount": "BG31VGHS315003I0O7GNDE",
  "beneficiaryCustomerAccount": "BG17JJLX3399724A95Y3HS",
  "transactionAmount": 1,
  "paymentNotes": "string"

sourceCustomerAccount: Provide a valid Source Customer Account Number, Max length 17 characters.

BeneficiaryCustomerAccount: Provide a valid Target Customer Account Number, Max length 17 characters.

transactionAmount: Non Zero amount

paymentNotes: any additional payment Notes


Status Codes

  • Status Code 200, If all good
  • Status Code 400 with Error Messages in case of Bad Input
  • Status Code 500 with No Error Message in case of Server Failure

In case of Corporate Customer, Please use the following api calls for Creation of Charge Calculation and Money Transfer

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