P2P Transfer from End User to End User or Company User


POST /api/v1/Payment/p2p-transfer/end-user/{id}

Please provide a valid IndividualId in place of id


  "sourceCustomerAccount": "string",
  "beneficiaryCustomerAccount": "string",
  "beneficiaryCustomerName": "string",
  "beneficiaryCustomerAddress": "string",
  "transferCurrency": "string",
  "amount": 0,
  "paymentNotes": "string",
  "instrumentNumber": "string",
  "referenceNumber": "string"

sourceCustomerAccount: Provide a valid Source Customer Account Number, Max length 17 characters.

BeneficiaryCustomerAccount: Provide a valid Target Customer Account Number, Max length 17 characters.

beneficiaryCustomerName: Please provide a valid Source Customer’s Name

beneficiaryCustomerAddress: Please provide a valid Source Customer’s Address

transferCurrency:examples are BNG

amount: Non Zero amount

paymentNotes: any additional payment Notes

instrumentNumber:any additional payment Notes

referenceNumber:any additional payment Notes


Status Codes

  • Status Code 200, If all good
  • Status Code 400 with Error Messages in case of Bad Input
  • Status Code 500 with No Error Message in case of Server Failure

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