Send Email Verification Code

Note: To complete this step, take the id obtained from the previous step and use it in the Send Email Verification Code endpoint, specifically in the JSON property id. Ensure that the email used is identical to the one specified in the previous step, Create User.

Endpoint #


Method :POST

Request Headers

  • accept: */*
  • Authorization: Bearer {Token}
  • Content-Type: application/json-patch+json

Request Parameters

Parameter Type Description
id integer ID of the user
email string Email address to send verification code to

Example Request #

	"id": 1330,
	"email": ""

CURL Example

curl -X POST "" \
-H "accept: */*" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {Token}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json-patch+json" \
-d "{\"id\":1330,\"email\":\"\"}"

Responses #
Success #
  • Status Code: 204
  • Description: Verification email sent successfully.
  • Response Schema: Empty response
Error: Bad Request #
  • Status Code: 400
  • Description: Bad request.
  • Response Schema:

	"errorCode": 400,
	"errorMessage": "Bad Request"

Field Type Description
errorCode integer The error code.
errorMessage string A message describing the error.
Error: Server Error #
  • Status Code: 500
  • Description: Internal server error.
  • Response Schema:

	"errorCode": 500,
	"errorMessage": "Server Error"

Field Type Description
errorCode integer The error code.
errorMessage string A message describing the error.


Snippet #

API Properties
Header parameters
Result of the call

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